Patch 01.21 (24844)
8th May, 2019
New Features
- Vivox solution implemented to improve Voice Communication quality.
- HUD Messaging – Improvements to Sin Bin HUD/UI messaging.
- Mastery Awards – Character Customiser content added to Mastery Levels.

Gameplay Changes
- Combat Text now combines stacking and floating numbers
- Stacking – This shows total damage done to an enemy
- Floating – Shows each individual damage number temporarily
- Upgrade UI displays current and future stats
- More information about the ability.
- What the ability does.
- How long the ability lasts.
- When can the player use it again.
- A category header which summarizes what type of ability it is
- More information on locked abilities
Minor fixes
- Tiny Giant – Fixed an issue that caused the Level 1 War Balloon not to spawn.
- Vampire – Fixed an issue that caused the Frag Dispenser decal to show incorrect team colours.
- Healing decals now display in team colours.
Known Issues
- Stability – Game crashes for party members in the Hall of Champions if party host closes game
- Engagement Screen – The player character on Engagement screen will show the last invited player’s customisation.
- Hall of Champions – The Fog Hog is incorrectly labeled on the stand.
- Hall of Champions – Camera will clip through podiums and vehicle models.
- Berserker Sport skin has an incorrect icon
- Collections – Title does not show the user what items they have earned after attaining a mastery vehicle level.
- Collections – Character flight suit logos can be slow to load in
- Customiser – Options must be selected twice before they open
- Tutorial 1 – Players can become stuck after manually changing the invert Y settings
- Tutorial 1 – There is a hitch in the music when loading into tutorials / Iceland.
- MatchMaking – Pressing “A” on controller during the MatchMaking screen, closes the MatchMaking UI.
- HUD – Reticles can occasionally appear incorrectly after dying.
- Gameplay – XP towers have a second delay on activating.
- Options – Players unable to open profiles through Social Menu.
- Options – Quit functionality is slow to respond
- Localisation – Multiple text strings not localised throughout game.